Ascending Clarity Liquid

$ 24.42

SKU: KA0375 Category:


Pattern Identification:
Internal Wind Phlegm due to Spleen Qi Deficiency, Qi stagnation and Phlegm obstructing the head.

Chinese Action:
Strengthens Spleen, dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm caused by Internal Wind, extinguishes Liver Wind, expels Wind Cold while reducing Heat.

Wiry and Slippery

Swollen with teeth marks and a white sticky coat

Indications (Symptoms):
-Occasional Vertigo, dizziness, dull headache
-Helps ease temporary oppression of the chest accompanied by sputum
-Occasional nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or weak digestion
-Assists in maintaining healthy cardiovascular function
-Overall feeling of heaviness


2 ounces

Label Details

Label Details

Take 20-30 Drops, 2-3 times daily

Pinyin Name
-Common Name

Jiang ban xia
-Ginger cured pinellia rhizome
Bai zhu
-White atractylodes rhizome
Tian ma
-Gastrodia rhizome
Fu ling
Ju hong pi
-Red tangerine peel
Hong zao
-Red jujube fruit
Gan cao
-Chinese licorice root
Gan jiang
-Dried ginger rhizome

55% to 65% by volume
Alcohol: 18% to 22% by volume
*To evaporate alcohol, place drops in hot water

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