Disperse Red River Liquid (Blood)

$ 47.80

SKU: CM0012 Category:


This formula is gentle and moderate in promoting the circulation of Blood,
while also nurturing Blood and activating Qi.

-Helps ease occasional localized or persistent pain in the chest, abdomen,
head, or limbs
-Soothes menstrual discomfort, breast distention, PMS
-Promotes healing of bruises or swellings due to abrasion, contusion, or
-Helps relieve numbness, chilliness, or mottling of the limbs
-Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
-Eases occasional painful or engorged varicose veins, hemorrhoids


1 Ounce

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1-2 dropperfuls, 2-3 times per day. Shake well before every use.

In Pinyin:
San shen, Si gua luo, Bai shao, Ze lan, Yu jin, Chuan xiong, LIu ji nu, Zhi
shi, Zhi xiang fu, Gui zhi.

In common:
Chinese salvia root & rhizome, Luffa herb, White peony root, Shiny bugleweed
herb, Turmeric root tuber, Sichuan lovage rhizome, Artemisia herb, Bitter
orange immature fruit, Cyperus rhizome (prepared), Chinese cinnamon twig.

Water 55%-65%, Alchohol 18%-22%, 2% vegetable glycerin.

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