Hevert Motion Sickness Relief

$ 19.90

SKU: HV0003 Category:


With Hevert Motion Sickness Relief you choose a proven homeopathic medicine. Its active ingredients are generally well tolerated and provide effective relief of the symptoms of motion sickness, such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness. This medicine is also suitable for children aged 6 years and over.

In most cases, dizziness is caused by a disturbance of the balance organ or a short-term lack of oxygen in the brain. One has the impression that the room and objects are spinning around. There are often other symptoms as well, such as swaying or lurching, nausea, vomiting, sweating or seeing black spots before your eyes.

The triggers are very varied. For example, car, boat or plane trips can cause dizziness, but circulatory problems or disturbances to blood circulation in the brain can as well. Dizzy spells can also be caused by ongoing stress or emotional distress. These events can occur during the day or at night and are frequently accompanied by nausea.

For prevention and temporary relief of symptoms of sickness, such as:


100 Tablets

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