Lyme Disease

$ 18.50

SKU: PG0133 Category:


Homeopathic Support for
Lyme Disease and its Symptoms*

Promotes Immune Function in the
Treatment of Diagnosed Lyme Disease*


1 Ounce

Label Details

Label Details

Lycopodium 30C: Headache, pulse fast, limbs numb, drowsy, weak memory, stiff back and neck.
Cina 30C: Weakness due to discharge, headache.
Gelsemium 30C: Action on muscles and nerves, aching, tiredness, heaviness, weakness and soreness, motor paralysis, mental dullness, dull pain back and neck, neuralgia of face, palpitations, red spots on skin, throat sore, fever with chills.
Conium 30C: Weakness of body, progressive debility, ascending paralysis, painful stiffness of legs, headache, pulse unequal, numb feelings in arms, muscle weakness, skin red spots, hot flashes, tonsils enlarged.
Arsenicum Alb 30C: Exhaustion, great weakness, headache, heart palpitations, weak limbs, paralysis of lower limbs, poisoned wounds, high fever, throat swollen.
Mercurius V 30C: Lymphatic system, foggy vision, facial paralysis, neck stiff, pulse irregular, headaches, bone pains, fever, throat sore.
Selenium 30C: Forgetful, blurred vision, arterial palpitation, pain in limbs, glands in neck large, chilliness followed by hot flashes.
Phosphorous 30C: Weak muscle and nerve, pain in throat, hectic fever with small quick pulse, blood red spots on skin.
Phosphoric Acid 30C: Adrenal weakness, pain in back and limbs, pulse irregular, pain in joints, red rash on skin, low type of fever.
Scrophularia 3X: Enlarged glands, scrofulus swellings.
Cardus Marianus 3X: Liver swollen, painful to pressure. Remedy action centered in the liver and porfal system.
Solidago 3X: Enlarged kidneys, obstructed urine flow, pain in kidneys.
Avena Sativa 3X: Nervous exhaustion, weakness, and sleeplessness.
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