Reduced L-Glutathione Lotion

$ 43.00

SKU: KG0007 Category:


Primary Use : Protects the body from cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Glutathione is a sulfur tripeptide that contains three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

Kirkman offers glutathione in a topical lotion formulated with L-glutathione, a reduced form of glutathione that resists oxidation and is more stable.

Kirkmans Reduced L-Glutathione Lotion has a water-free base, which helps to keep the product from oxidizing and, as a result, the lotion has no odor until applied to the skin. Even then, the odor is very minimal compared to other glutathione preparations that typically smell of sulfur.

This product is oily because of its water-free base; therefore, it may take longer to rub into the skin than other lotions.

Each gram contains 180 mg of reduced L-glutathione.


2 ounces

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