Super Immune Space Sprinkles

$ 30.95

SKU: FF0020 Category:


Children are not always cooperative about doing what’s good for them. That’s why Dr. Wilson created the natural immune booster kids like to take – Super Immune Space Sprinkles, a uniquely effective immune enhancer specially designed to help children stay well.*

IgM and IgG, but when used longer than a month loses
its immune stimulating ability.* In contrast, Nat-Stim®,
one of the main ingredients in Super Immune Space
Sprinkles, was developed specifically to support several
aspects of the immune system, not just immunoglobulins
and macrophages.* It is designed to work long term to
continually enhance both cellular and humoral immune
components and to maintain its effectiveness, even when
taken for long periods of time.* In addition, because the
intestinal tract is a vital part of the body’s front line immune
defenses, Super Immune Space Sprinkles contains 6
strains of live probiotics specially selected for young
intestinal tracts. These friendly bacteria support a healthy
balance of intestinal flora necessary for optimal intestinal
immune function in children.*


2 ounces

Label Details

Label Details

Using the enclosed measuring scoop, sprinkle 1 level scoop (1/4 teaspoon) over breakfast cereal daily, or mix into any drink or food. Give daily for at least 3 months to optimize immune support.* For best results, give consistently throughout the year.* An additional scoop may be given 1-2 times a day during times when extra immune support is desired.* If flatulence occurs, temporarily decrease daily amount and then gradually build back up to desired amount.*

Amount Per Serving:
Proprietary Blend Nat-Stim
… 12.5mg
Lactobacillus bulgaricus cell
wall fractions, (including:
exopolysaccharide, lipotechoic
acid, peptidoglycan, murein,
N-acetyl D-glucosamine,
N-acetylmuramic acid)
Propreitary Blend of Probiotic bacteria … 1 billion+CFU
Lactobacillus [L] acidophilus,
L-rhamnosus, L salivarius
L plantarum, Bifidobacterium
[B] bifidum, B longum

Other Ingredients: Fructooligosaccharides [FOS], Xylitol,
Evaporated Cane Juice Extract, Dried beet Juice

This is a Dairy-Free and Vegan product.
It contains NO
animal products, milk, egg, salt,
wheat, gluten, nuts, yeast, corn, soy or artificial coloring,
flavoring or preservatives.

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