Super Orti Vite

$ 43.40

SKU: SE0025 Category:

Super Orti Vite is a broad-spectrum, hypoallergenic formula containing an excellent proportion of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, digestive enzymes, lipotropic factors and antioxidants needed for optimum health. Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals will result in a compromised immune system and will have a direct impact on physiological and emotional health. Optimum nutritional status is essential to regulate blood pressure and immune function, and to facilitate bone and connective tissue metabolism. Super Orti Vite provides the cells and tissues with an optimal amount of nutrients necessary for the maintenance of a healthy endocrine, immune and musculo-skeletal system, and it is indicated for colds, flus, infections and inflammations.The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegans.


120 Capsules

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