Jade and Burdock Resurfacing Exfoliator for TS

$ 43.00

SKU: JA0004 Category:


The ritual of using finely ground herbal granules to exfoliate dull surface skin cells in order to reveal new, healthy dermal layers has been used in Asia for hundreds of years. We use the finest ground herbal granules made fresh for every batch of product. Our herbal granules are non-abrasive and our formula stays true to the centuries proven ritual which results with ageless, radiant, and smooth skin. This is one of our key secrets to beautiful skin!

This non-irritating, deep cleansing scrub exfoliates lifeless skin as it invigorates healthy dermal cells. Eliminates bacteria and penetrates deep to clear blemishes and prevent new breakouts. Your skin will be cleansed, purified, and absolutely radiant. Perfect for blemishes and troubled skin.


5 Ounces

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